Need update t_reports
table, column tanked_sum
– reports table - tanked_sum
– sum of tanked
from t_vehicles
– vehicles table (more than one vehicle is in one report) - tanked
– refueled liters of fuel for one vehicle
-- select only (count in `tanked_sum_counted` column) SELECT tanked_sum_counted, * FROM t_reports r JOIN ( SELECT SUM(tanked) tanked_sum_counted, report_id FROM t_vehicles GROUP BY report_id ) s ON s.report_id = id -- update `t_reports.tanked_sum` from counted `tanked_sum_counted` in table `t_vehicles` UPDATE t_reports SET tanked_sum = s.tanked_sum_counted FROM t_reports r JOIN ( SELECT SUM(tanked) tanked_sum_counted, report_id FROM t_vehicles GROUP BY report_id ) s ON s.report_id = id |