GIMP: Zaokrąglone ramki + cień, przepis nr 1
Ramka zaokrąglona z cieniem: File->New: [width: 1000, height: 200] Select->All Bucket fill: [fill whole selection (fg:#eff4f7)] Select->Shrink: [10 px] Select->Rounded rectangle: [radius: 20] Bucket fill: [fill whole selection (fg:#ffffff)] Filters->Light and Shadow->Drop shadow: [3, 3, 4, 60, #8a939a] Efekt: Efekt extra (gradient): Select->Shrink: [2px] Blend tool: [fill whole selection (fg:#d5d5d5, bg:#ffffff), FG to BG (RGB)] Read more about GIMP: Zaokrąglone ramki + cień, przepis nr 1[…]